It has been quite some time since I last wrote a blog and, I like most of the country, have been in a drought. The drought affecting me was not caused by the weather but was due to setting up a new office. The office that I had been in for several years was in an old building that was sold. We had to vacate the building within two months, so I began looking and was fortunate to locate space in a building directly across the street. Getting ready to move, moving, and setting up a new office has taken more time than anticipated and has diverted me from doing much else. hence, I have been dilatory with my writing. Now I am back in the groove and share with you my thoughts about the current political chaos created by former president Trump.
We have become familiar with Trump’s declaration that he would be a “Dictator” only on “Day One”. The question posed is what happens after “Day One”? Does “Day One: get extended time-and-time again? Does Trump renege on his claim to only perform as a “Dictator” on that one day? Does “Day One” become “Day Two”, “Day Three” and so forth? Each and everyone of us, whether it is admitted or not, understands Donald Trump has a serious problem with the truth. We are all ever so cognizant of the multitude of lies, misrepresentations, falsehoods, fabrications, etc. that were so pervasive during his presidency. He lied when he did not have to do so. He lied to embellish his own interpretation of the “alternative facts”. He seemed to bask in the response of his minions when he spewed forth lie after lie after lie. The Washington Post reported that during the four years of his presidency he had 30,573 false or misleading claims. The Toronto Star reported 5,275 false claims from January 2017 to June 2019. Consider the fact that as the years went by his false or misleading claims increased. In year one of his presidency, he averaged 6.1 such claims, year two, the number increased to 16, in the third year there were 22, and in his final year the number increased to an average of 39 per day. I have included this detailed information to, hopefully, make the point that what Trump says may or may not be true, and further that you cannot accept what he says he will do to be followed.
He continues to pass on his false or misleading claims. To make the point, let me mention a recent Fox News Town Hall exchange between Sean Hannity and Trump. This took place in Iowa on December 5th. In that clip included in the Washington Post, Trump made 24 of these claims in a five-minute period. One of his claims which he repeats over and over is that he is responsible for the largest tax cut amongst any of the previous presidents. This is not true. His is the eighth largest tax cut and was smaller than two of the tax cuts during the Obama administration. When he boasted this claim, the audience erupted in applause, but they fail to realize nor accept that his tax cut benefitted the wealthy and corporations more than it did for those clapping in adoration.
At this point in time, it is known that Trump has 91 criminal charges that have been brought against him and it certainly appears that there is a substantial amount of proof to support most of them. In Georgia alone, the world listened to his phone call to the Secretary of State demanding that he find additional votes in an amount that would exceed the legal number garnered by Biden. There is no mystery in this phone call. It was Trump calling the Secretary and it was the Secretary telling Trump that the vote was accurate and would not be changed. How blatant could anything be? As these cases in New York, Washington, and Georgia make their way through the legal system, the 2024 presidential campaign is underway and it is blatantly unfathomable that as Trump’s legal problems unfold, his political support rises. People seem to be blind to the reality of their actions. They need to keep in mind that dictatorship in day one will not begin and end at the end of day one with Trump in the equation. People who are so enamored with him need to step back and realize that if he should get elected in 2024 there will be a different America, and not one that is better.
Why can reasonable people not see the fallacy in Trump’s rhetoric and promises? Why is it so difficult to look at his history that is fraught with illegal, criminal, unethical, immoral and inhumane behavior on his part? Why can these people not realize that he gave every indication that he believed he was above the law and could do whatever he chose to do, regardless of its legality? Why can people not come to understand that the very fabric of this democracy that has been so critical to our success as a nation, will be in serious jeopardy if he should have a second term? He has stated that he would go after the Department of Justice and, basically, make it subservient to him in a second term suggesting that the Department would become his personal attorney. He has given overt indications that he is and has been an admirer of dictators and authoritarian leaders such as Putin. He has invoked the language of fascist leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini by referring o his opposition as “vermin”. This is phrase that has been attributed by historians to these individuals. He seeks retribution and revenge toward anyone who has challenged him or does not agree with him. He has and continues to demean anyone who is disabled or challenged, mentally or physically. He has blatantly made generalized statements stating that migrants are criminals and are known rapist, murders and gang members. He has categorically labeled the Muslim community as an enemy even though many within this community have fought and supported this country. The list goes on and on, yet people refuse to make any attempt to look at what the reality is of a second term for Trump. They need to keep in mind that if he is elected there is no turning back and realizing the error of their ways or undoing their decision. If he becomes president in 2024 we will have a country ruled by an authoritarian person who flaunts democracy and refuses to follow the constitution that undergirds our democratic approach to governing.
It is interesting that many of those who were aligned with him during his presidency are now stating that he should never be president again. A recent article in the Washington Post captured the concerns of these individuals and the article goes on to state: “No president has ever attracted more public detractors who were formerly in his inner circle. They are closely watching his rise … with alarm. Among them are his former vice president, top military advisers, lawyers, some members of his Cabinet, economic advisors, press officials and campaign aides…” The reasons for their opposition include the 91 criminal charges against him, the attempt to overturn the 2020 election, the false claims of election fraud, his incendiary rhetoric when he was in office, the desire to weaponize the Justice Department , his chaotic management style, personnel choices in a second term, and his affinity for dictators. Every president has his detractors who were at one time close to him. What makes Trump different is the large number of those who were aligned with him that have come out against a second presidency.
Having laid out my concerns, I would only hope that enough sane, reasonable, and well-meaning citizens would consider their decision thoughtfully and completely considering who Trump really is and what he would do. Are there enough of these folks? Let’s hope so!