Dear Mr. President

This past Monday (4/13)  while visiting a friend, having a drink, and maintaining our physical distance, we watched a bit of your “Live with Me” segment on CNN during which you spent the better part of your performance identifying the points that in your convoluted mind, make you the “stable genus” that you claim to be.  It was a parade of claim after claim that you have done everything right and how the media, the Democrats, and other” non-Trumpers” are so ungrateful for all that you have done.  Your need for self-adulation borders on mental instability and delusions of grandeur.  Mr. President, if you removed the pronouns, “I”, “me” “myself” from your diatribes, there would be few words in the sentences that you spew forth through your puckered lips.  You, repeatedly, brag about your “ratings” for these self-promotional” news briefings and they are as far as anything can be from a briefing.  They are not and have not been informative, clarifying, or comprehensive.  Rather, they have been a series of lies, false truths, made up information and just down right crap that are nothing more than political stances.  It is apparent from everything you have and have not done that you could give a damn about the American people or this nation but are only focused on your own self-aggrandizement and self-promotion.  You have replaced your “how great I am” rallies with these inane briefings that are fraught with sheer nonsense.   

Mr. President, you have been a colossal failure in your response to this deadly pandemic that we are all living through.  You were slow to do anything of substance, especially during the month of February.  You delayed making decisions that could have had the possibility of slowing the surge of the number of people contracting the disease and the number who have died from this deadly scourge.  You have made inane excuses, oversimplifying the seriousness of what was on the horizon for the country.  For example, you brag about all you have done, but you are the person that questioned the need for thousands of ventilators requested by the Governor of New York, stating that many hospitals have only one ventilator for the whole hospital, yet they needed thousands of ventilators.  Mr. President your stupidity and sickening arrogance has been and is inexcusable.  You claim to be so damn smart, yet so much of what you have done regarding the virus has been anything but smart.  You have placed dedicated and committed people in the healthcare field, first responders, delivery people, store clerks and many others in harm’s way because of your uninformed, knee-jerk, shoot from the hip responses to the obvious.  You have been, and continue to be, a disgrace to the office of President and your legacy will be one of failure to act decisively.  Your decision to withhold funds from the World Health Organization is just one more example of how stupid you can be.  You have stated that the WHO mismanaged the developing pandemic; however, if there is a classic case of mismanagement, it is you and your administration.  During a global crisis, you look for others as the scapegoat for your own ineptness.  You only need to look in the mirror each morning to see who is responsible for the debacle that you have fostered on this country.

Continuing, Mr. President, you boast that this country has a world-class medical and health care system, yet be so unprepared for what was evolving and escalating in other parts of the world?  It was your administration that cut the funding the CDC which has, undoubtedly, had an adverse impact on their ability to respond, especially to the need for testing.  You were told on several occasions that what we are now experiencing was inevitable, but you played it off as a hoax, a liberal and Democratic ploy to damage you and just more “fake news”.  No, Mr. President, you screwed up and as of this point in time, the death toll in this country is over 28,000 and climbing day-after-day.  You tell those families of those who have unnecessarily died, that you’ve done a hellavu job.  You look into the glassy eyes of a little child who has lost her father, or into the flushed face of the husband who has lost the “love of his life” because she did not have the protective gear that was required for her to carry out her oath as a health care professional.  You tell the families of the 45 residents who died in a nursing home in Virginia that you are one great president, and that you have the health and care of all Americans as your guiding principle in your decisions.  You explain to the 9000 plus health care professionals that have contracted the disease and to the families of the 27 who have died that you really care about them and their well-being.  On-and-on I could go with illustrations, but you have been a painful and colossal failure as the President of this great nation.

Mr. President, you brag about the 2.2 Trillion relief bill that gained bipartisan support and is currently being implemented yet contained in that piece of legislation is $170 billion in tax giveaways for around 43,000 of Americans associated with hedge funds and real estate development.  You signed the bill, so we know you knew what was contained in it.  That amount of money to benefit such a meager number of citizens, including you and your son-in-law, exceeds $100 billion for hospitals and the $150 billion for relief to state and local governments.  Even more appalling is that it allows for these tax giveaways to go back to 2018 and 2019, before the advent of the virus in this country.  How callous and how inhumane.  In an article in the Washington Post, Dana Millbank, notes that: “…this provision gives tax filers who earn more than $1miiion a year an average windfall of $1.6 million…” compared to the $1,200 that the average wage earner receives.  He goes on to note: “…that 82 percent of the tax benefit of this and another tax giveaway in the coronavirus relief bill will go to the 43,000 taxpayers who earn more than $1million—and just 3 percent to those who earn less than $100,000.” 

Further, Mr. President, you have created a chaotic system of task forces, including putting your son-in-law in charge of a very significant aspect or your inept response.  Here is a person who has done nothing right with the assignments given to him in the past, but he is a loyal member of your family who will not bicker or challenge his “daddy-in-law”.  His only qualification is that he was born into wealth, admitted to Harvard following his daddy’s $2.5 million gift to the university, and married into the New York family on the fringes of the Costa Nostra.  He was ill informed when he challenged a reporter who stated that the federal stockpile of medical equipment was for the benefit of the states by stating that the stockpile was for the benefit of the federal government.  However, the provisions of the policy that created the stockpile explicitly states that it is there to supplement the needs of the states.  Just one example of the “boy’s” lack of understanding. 

Mr. President, it never ends with you.  Late Monday, the Treasury Department issued a directive to the IRS that your name was to be imprinted on the stimulus checks that Americans are to receive.  Just one more way that you are politicizing your feeble efforts to address this grave pandemic that has wrought untold suffering and damage on individuals and the country.  Your move to do this is unprecedented, but that matters not to you.  You believe that you are infallible and omnipotent and can do whatever the hell you want to do.  Yet, most recently, you did have to recant your assertation that you were the “King of the United States of America”.  Read your history, Mr. President.  This country was founded to get away from monarchies—its why we have a representative democracy.  In you reading, check out the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “The power not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people.”  Do you know what that means?  You are not the final authority—SURPRISE!

Finally, Mr. President, undoubtedly, one of the most personalized affronts to you as president, is that you are being compared to James Buchanan, the 15th President, who has been chosen over and over as the worst president of the 45 that we have had through the Republic’s tenure.  It was his blatant ineptness that led to the beginning of the secession of the southern states from the union.  Had he been more decisive and less Lasse Faire, it might have averted the greatest calamity in the young nation’s history.  It had been noted that you were the worst president in modern times, but that title has been revised by many to be the worst of all time.  Your failures far outnumber any successes you have had in the three plus years that the country has had to endure you and the blunderings of your administration.  You have turned a deaf ear to scientific fact and direction, you have belittled anyone who takes umbrage to your claims, you resort to name-calling as an 8year old child would when life does not go your way, and you are a shameless, inhumane, narcissistic, mentally imbalanced individual.  The real tragedy for all of us, including your blinded followers, is that you sit where you do.  Let’s all hope that come November that time will end in January 2021.