As I have driven the highways and byways of this great country, I have often been impressed with the control that lines and lights have on the driving experience. As you drive, there are well-recognized and well-accepted controls. If the light is red, you stop; if green, you go; and if yellow, you should slow down. If the line is an unbroken yellow line on your side of the road, you are not to pass; however, if the line is a broken yellow or white line, you can pass. If the line is a solid white line, you are to stay in your lane and not pass. In addition to the controls of the lights and the lines on our driving, there are also rules of the road, that each of us is to be familiar with so that they can be followed by all who drive, thus the driving experience is without confusion. You are not to pass a school bus that is stopped to load or unload children, you are to yield to any emergency vehicle, either by stopping, getting out of the way or slowing down. Ostensibly, all drivers are to obey the speed limit that is posted in a given area, yet many of us “cheat” on how much over the speed limit we drive. Tailgating, riding too close to the rear of the car in front of you, is, generally frowned upon and in some jurisdictions will lead to being pulled over by the police. During times when it is raining, you are to have your headlights on, yet many a driver does not follow this specific rule of the road and it is rarely enforced. All cars are to have two functioning headlights and taillights, or you might be subject to being stopped by the local representative of law enforcement. Indeed, there is more to add to this array of rules and controls, but let’s assume the point has been made. To have an orderly progression of vehicles using the highways and streets, we must all accept and abide by these rules and controls.
In life there are also “rules of the road” for living and being a participant in the interaction with others. There are lights and lines that we are to abide by if there is going to be some semblance of order amongst the populace. It is commonly accepted that if one is married it is to one other person, and to have more than one spouse or partner is going beyond the line that has been established. To engage in any sexual activity with one’s child is also a forbidden action that crosses the line. Falsifying personal information on official documents is not acceptable and crosses the line of honesty and integrity. The Internet has created the opportunity to cross lines and run lights with anonymity and impunity. The epidemic of bullying by young people towards other young people is, just but one example of this practice. The abuse and neglect of children occurs all too often in what we want to believe is a caring, fair, and just society, yet parents are found guilty of this every day. In a civilized society the light is red for such behavior and one is held accountable if they cross this line. Myriad of examples can be given to illustrate how the society in which we live sets the rules and if we are to have some modicum of harmony, the rules must be followed. When one violates the rules, there are repercussions that flow from those who are given the authority to enforce the rules. When the light is red, one should stop what they are doing and wait and see if it turns green
As each person reflects on their respective lives, they can identify the rules and controls that have impacted them. What are your “rules of the road of life”? Knowing what they are is only the first step. The next step is, how well do you follow these rules? There is a reference in the Bible which states that “every man did that which was right in his own eyes” and it led to chaos. There must be rules and controls just as there are in the driving experience. In the journey of life, we see daily examples of individuals running the societal red lights and passing when the rules forbid them to do so. If we all drove in this manner, it would lead to nothing more than a huge pile of metal, rubber, and glass and destroyed lives. With all that is going on in our society, are we living with those in control breaking the rules over and over? Think about it!