The meaning of little bitty words

With my most recent posting, I was really attempting to see if anyone was paying attention to what I was sharing.  It is interesting to reflect on the meaning of words.  This is particularly so with the English language.  A word pronounced the same, but spelled differently, has significantly different meanings.  With the difference comes interpretations that change one’s thoughts and perspectives.  For example, if the parents are going to the store, but their child is too lazy to get up and go with the two of them, illustrates how the same sounding words can have entirely different meanings.  How these three different variations of the same sounding word do indeed modify our thoughts and perspectives.  Similarly, how words are used can vary amongst areas of the country.  An example of this is the word, dinner.  In the south it is often referring to the meal at noon, whereas in the north it is the meal at the end of the day.  This brief discussion of the meaning of words leads to the purpose of this post.


In the most recent posting, the word “pact” was included in the title instead of what was meant to be included which was “pack”.  It is possible to make a case for either of the words although a pact of wolves is a bit of a stretch.  Let’s stay with these words.  The word “pact” suggests some type of agreement amongst several people.  For example, the group made a pact to support one another regardless of the outcome of the game.  “Pack” refers to a group that stays together as a group.  You might have a “pack” of Cub Scouts.  The intent in the post in question, was that the technology community could learn from the example of the wolves in the park.  Thus, whether they were a “pact” or a “pack” does not take anything away from the intent of the article.


While on the topic of technology, I am certain that each of us has from time-to-time hit the “send” option only to have second thoughts about sending the email.  You may cringe at the realization that there is not any way to retrieve what you have sent.  Your message, complete or not, right or not, is in cyberspace never to return to you to make those painfully absent corrections.  When we have experienced the “oh crap” syndrome of a premature “send” it is because we were in a hurry or we were impaired to a minor degree or we were not paying attention to what we were doing.  Well, it is my confession that I was influenced by all three of these maladies.  It was Friday evening and I was ready to get on home.  It was after about an hour of “socializing” at a local establishment with friends.  It was obvious, in retrospect, that I was not paying attention.  Once I hit the “save and publish” option, the post was gone.  As I pulled away from the office, heading home, the realization hit me that I did not use the word I intended to use.  Woops, life does go on!


You may be asking, why am I going into such detail about this minor transgression.  Good question.  Having been inundated with meaningless political commercials as we approach the June 5 primaries, I felt it important for me to make the effort to be transparent and forthcoming.  Believe that or not, is an option that each of you have available to you.  Give a damn or not is also an option that is available.  Shake your head and shrug your shoulders in a display of, “so what”, is also an option available to you.  Well, I did what I could.  Take care and enjoy life.