Pet Peeves

In effort to release some of my pent-up frustrations, let me share some of my aggravations and annoyances.  What is included is certainly not an exhaustive list and I am certain that many of you could add to what I have included.  This is what I include today tomorrow might include other pet peeves.  There is no order to what follows, but, collectively, the list is representative.

1)      The inability of individuals to carry on a conversation, thus relying on the use of cell phones;

2)      The over reliance on texting which is done at any cost, including while crossing busy streets.

3)      The lack of consideration in a movie theater as individuals carry on chatter, texting, and game playing.

4)      The violation of my privacy by charitable organizations by sharing my name and address with other organizations, leading to the receipt of pleas for contributions.

5)      The receipt of ongoing requests for contributions from organizations that you have supported with a contribution.

6)      The abundance of “junk mail” that ends up in the mailbox, most often from places I know nothing about or have had any contact with, previously.

7)      The intrusion into the family by telemarketers at all hours of the day and night.

8)      The phone calls from all over the country that you block, but still receive again and again.

9)      .The assault from individuals listening to something remotely referred to as music that encroaches on others with a loud, often vulgar rendition.

10)   The practice of doctors and other members of the medical profession to over-schedule patients leading to lengthy waiting periods in the waiting room.

11)   The failure of drivers to move from the passing lane except when they are passing another vehicle.

12)   The absence of consideration for others from pet owners who let their dog leave a pile of poop on a person’s lawn or sidewalk.

13)   The lack of recognition that trash on the highways and roads is a negative reflection of the community and state.

14)   The amount of debris on the interstate highways from blown tires, leaving hunks of rubber on the roadway which cause deadly accidents.

15)    The lack of attention of managers, proprietors, and/or owners in expressing appreciation for your business.

16)   The neglect of wait-staff and bartenders in recognizing and acknowledging that you are in their establishment to be served.

17)   The negative attitude of some counter staff at fast-food restaurants, acting as if they are doing you a favor for you to give them business.

As I noted, this is not an exhaustive list of pet peeves, but it does reflect on the society in which we live.  There is a depersonalizing that permeates our lives.  Often, we are not known by who we are, but by a number.  Individualization seems to be becoming a phenomenon of the past and we are being thrown into groups and categories undermining any sense of self-identity.  Technology is a valuable contribution; however, it can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how it is used.  Many of the points that have been raised above are evidence of where we are, and unfortunately it is an environment fraught with questions and uncertainties.